I think the problem is not in my program. I also tried to make uncook using the original modkit by CDPR. I tried to do the same, but I do not find the unccoked DLC08 folder. No unccoked folder with anything listed inside of the folder. After the naming of my mod and putting in the location of the workspace folder in export, nothing is showing for the export tab. I have followed the steps and must have missed something. Your program is easy, but I have not been able to get anything to show up in export. Haven't done it yet because I was hoping for something simpler. I was just recently explained on how to use it properly. Gibbed Red Tools is a program to uncookcook and repack through the Command Prompt. Looks interesting, will give it a try! Holy crap! Does this mean I don't have to use Gibbed Red Tools? DontBlnkBadWolf n said. Wishing you Brownie Points! Quantifiable n said. SigilFey Moderator 3 Oct 5, I imagine this might help a few folks out.

Last edited: Mar 3, Quantifiable Rookie 2 Oct 5, Does anything distinguish it from the other dozen existing modkit UI apps?

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